The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) joined the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) to issue the following statement expressing support for the nomination of…
Race and Heart Disease in America Series. A three-part series in partnership with the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) Medical Alley Association (MAA) and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA).…
Race and Heart Disease in America Series. A three-part series in partnership with the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) Medical Alley Association (MAA) and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA).…
Race and Heart Disease in America Series. A three-part series in partnership with the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) Medical Alley Association (MAA) and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA).…
The monoclonal antibody combinations bamlanivimab/etesevimab and casirivimab/imdevimab (REGEN-COV) should only be used for COVID-19 patients exposed to variants other than Omicron, the FDA said on Monday. The agency revised the…
Regeneron continues to progress next generation antibodies that retain potency against Omicron, Delta and other variants of concern The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today amended the Emergency Use…