Kathryn Harris, MD

Kathryn Harris, MD is currently a second-year cardiology fellow at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She obtained her Bachelor of Science and Engineering (B.S.E) in Nuclear Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While at MIT, she served as co-chair of the Black Women’s Alliance, which fostered community amongst women of the diaspora on campus and organized outreach programs. On campus, she was an EMT and a freshman physics tutor. She has a passion for teaching, and still spends time tutoring in high school physics through her church’s tutorial ministry.
She later obtained her MD at Meharry Medical College. While in medical school, she volunteered with Project Dream, providing mentorship to minority high school students. She spent a year during medical school at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda MD studying the relationship between mitochondrial health and inflammation through the Robert Woods Johnson Medical Research Scholars Program (MRSP). She went on to complete her internal medicine residency at University of Maryland in Baltimore, MD.
As a cardiology fellow, her interests include exploring and addressing cardiovascular health disparities. She is currently working to identify racial and ethnic disparities in quality improvement metrics across the Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC. She also has a strong interest in translational research related to the development of catheter-based therapies within the field of interventional cardiology. She will complete an interventional cardiology fellowship after general cardiovascular training with a focus on high risk percutaneous coronary intervention.
Kathryn was the 1st recipient of the Dr Richard Allen Williams and Genita Evangelista Johnson / Association of Black Cardiologists Scholarship in 2014. She is a member of the Association of Black Cardiologists.